
Friday, March 6, 2015

Catch Up Time

We are finally in San Diego, and are spending our first week here staying in our daughter's guest room.  Her house has always felt like home to me, having spent many weekends here when the grandsons were small, as well as quite a few holidays.

As we all know, RV plans are never firm. We had planned on starting our California time with a few days up in Fontana getting a couple of minor repairs taken care of. We WERE then going to spend a couple of relaxing days in Desert Hot Springs at Catalina RV Spa and Resort, enjoying some soak time in their wonderful hot spring pools, before spending a month or so at an RV park near our daughter in San Diego.

Well, I waited too long to make a month rate reservation at the Mission Bay RV resort we have been to before, and have settled on two 2 week stays at other less desirable places.  But then, where we park is not important. This is family month!

Our Hot Springs days were cancelled when upon inspection, it was recommended we have all of the side seals reworked. Given that failure of the seals can cause very expensive delamination and/or blistering of the fiberglass, we decided to get it done. But that meant the Alfa had to stay up in Fontana for most of a week.  In the long run it's a very good time to do this because, as I said in my opening, our daughter has a nice guest room for us to stay in.

It is really nice to see her, her husband, and our two exceptional grandsons. I know, every grandparent thinks theirs are the smartest, best looking, nicest grandchildren in the world.  Well, mine truly ARE!

So, thats all for now.  It's family time.


  1. Family time is fun time. Enjoy all the love :-)

  2. Things have a way of working out if you "go with the flow".

  3. Enjoy your time with all the kiddos, large and small.

  4. Have a great time. Your rig will be good as new!

  5. Maybe we can catch up with you at the 2nd annual Blogfest next season :)

  6. That's great you are able to spend quality time with the family :)

  7. Now that guest room with family is the perfect place to be while the rig is worked on!

  8. You had me worried. We just decided we wanted to spend a month at Mission Bay. I just got off the phone and we were able to book a site starting March 19.


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