
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Not the Newbies anymore

I guess we are not the newbies in the parks anymore. Yesterday we spent some time with another Alfa couple we met here at the park and exchanged some stories, shared some experiences and some resources. They had more overall RV experience, but were relativly new to having an Alfa and were interested in the full time lifestyle.  

I think we have really learned a lot from reading blogs for several years before we sold the house.  Thank you all for sharing your experiences with us in that way.  We hope to help others by doing the same.


  1. share the joy :-) What a great way to meet people.

  2. Thank You guys for sharing with us....we have learned so much from your blog alone!

  3. Kinda nice not being the Newbie new kids on the block isn't it. Of course the learning never stops but things just sort of fall in place a little smoother once one has a few miles under their belt. Ok, make that quite a few miles........................

  4. Ahhh so you are not so wet behind the ears, but so many wonderful experiences along the way all add to the adventure!
    KarenInTheWoods and Steveio
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard


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