
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

"Helluva of a place to lose a cow"

The title is a quote from Ebenezer Bryce, when he was asked about the canyon behind his homestead ranch.

Monday was our first day at Bryce Canyon National park. We decided to get an overview by first stopping at the visitors center to watch the movie. Every park has one that tells it's story.

Then we took the free park shuttle bus, getting off and on at each view point.


The sights were amazing both looking out to the distant horizon, and down over the tops of the eroded rock formations.

We probably walked about two miles. I found it a bit difficult to get my breath when we were going uphill, but then reminded myself that we were over 8000 feet elevation.  We plan on doing a couple of the less challenging hikes, and I hope I can get acclimated to the altitude.

Our next post will be looking up from one of the trails down among the hoodoos (which somehow came to refer to the columns you see above).


  1. Some beautiful country up that way. Jim has a lot of trouble breathing at high altitudes since he lost part of a lung to cancer. So we take things really easy.

  2. Altitude really places a toll on John. We are going to choose our destinations wisely from now on. Are you drinking a lot of water? Altitude dehydrates!

  3. Your header photo is amazing Merikay! We loved Bryce and hope to revisit one day.

  4. Absolutely gorgeous! But I know elevations 10,000' and above are difficult for me. Beautiful photos!

  5. We loved the area, in fact all of Uta

  6. I loved Bryce as well when I was there back in the late 70's. Beautiful pictures!

  7. Bryce is also one of my favorites! Those colors simply cannot be matched with the trees and the sky! Enjoy the hiking!

  8. Just amazing photos Merikay....if only I could keep traveling....guess I will just travel with you. Thanks for sharing, so amazing!

  9. As Grace, my parrot, would say "WOW".

  10. thanks for sharing your trip! It reminds me there is hope for life after teenagers...


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