
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Hiking North Zion, Kolob Canyons - Taylor Creek Trail

First a couple of responses to comments.  You are right Doug, there is no pool at Red Canyon RV. I must have confused it with some other place I had considered. It is just a two road lot with a few cabins on the side of Utah Highway 12. But it is convenient to Bryce and a few other places we want to visit this week.

And to Judy, yes I do want to do a day trip to Kodachrome Basin this week.

The weather was fine for another hike on Sunday, and we headed over to the North part of Zion that not as many people seem to visit.

There we hiked up the middle fork of Taylor Creek to the Double Arch Alcove. I forgot my camera, so the few pictures included here were taken with Craig's phone.

In one of my books, and in the information from the park, the hike was supposed to be an easy five mile round trip. In part because we went astray at the start, our "Map My Hike" app read just shy of six.  

Easy it was not! The trail was littered with large jagged rocks that were definitely hard on my ankle. 

We crossed Taylor Creek, which was only inches deep in most places, about 120 times (60 each way).

All of the crossings were easy, but I was careful to use my poles so I didn't misstep.

Once again we were treated to impressive views of red rock canyon walls, some with water flowing on them.

When we got back to the Alfa in the late afternoon, I flopped down on the bed for a nice 40 minute rest. Craig took off my hiking boots for me because I really didn't feel like moving. I was very glad we had yummy leftover pulled pork that I had made the day before for dinner. I don't think I would have had the energy to cook a meal.

My entire being was tired. But it was a good tired. The kind you feel after doing a hard job, skiing all day, or running a race. I felt at peace with myself and with the world. That is in part why I hike. I enjoy the scenery, and know the exercise is good for me, but I really like the satisfaction I feel. I could never get this good a workout in a gym.

[From Craig] Merikay didn't like the two pictures below as well as I did.  This first one is inside the inner of the two arches at the end of the trail.  All those colors are different minerals that have seeped through the big rock above over the millenia.  I wish I had taken more chemistry and/or geology so that I could tell you which color is which compound.  If anyone reading knows, please leave a comment or send me an email at

The second image shows two attractive rocks that stand together on the north side of the canyon.  I like to think of them as brothers who have watched animals and people walk past them over the years, and share a constant but low-bandwidth commentary about the travelers.

We will be hiking past a lot of rock formations in the next few months.  Where are your favorites located?


  1. Just love the photos and descriptions of your hikes. Know exactly what you mean about how you feel after a good hike. I miss that very much so enjoy reading about them through your words and photos.

  2. Looks like a hike worth the challenges - and that satisfaction at the end is just the best! Love the two brothers keeping watch. Such stories they could tell :-)))))

  3. I like the last picture! I think I have the same rock formation on my blog. It was a good hike with very few people.

  4. I have no idea what those minerals are, but that picture draws me in. It looks like a painting I could get lost in.

  5. I thought the first photos was beautiful Graig. The colors are amazing and look like an impressionistic painting.

  6. Absolutely beautiful rocks, colors, hikes! My favorites are still in the Sierra Nevada.

  7. I continue to be impressed by the hikes you are taking. I don't know if I would even try, but I would miss out on so much by not doing so (of course there are always your experiences to feed upon!).


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