
Sunday, September 20, 2015

Just Checking In!

Sometimes, for me, the best way to let friends and family know where we are and what we are up to is through this blog. So I'm just checking in, so to speak.

First, my implant: it seems to be healing OK. I still have several days of antibiotics to go, and I no longer need the strong pain killer.  I think it will be fine.

Second, the Alfa is running wonderfully: we didn't have any problems, but it was time for the regular annual services. One note is that we pulled the same long incline from Phoenix to Flagstaff that had caused us such stress and overheating last spring, and even though it was 100° the temp gauge hardly moved above the normal range. We didn't have to do any manual downshifting either. Seems like the radiator cleaning was the correct thing to do!

Third, our location: we are now happily settled at a small commercial park, Rancheros de Santa Fe, in Santa Fe, New Mexico. One of the theories behind full time RVing is that if you don't like the weather, drive away from it!  We sure didn't like the 100°+ temperatures in Yuma or Phoenix, so we headed north. It is now mid-afternoon and we have the windows wide open. The shade side thermometer is reading 79°. Perfect in my mind. 

We love Santa Fe, so we may just stay put here until it is time to go down to Albuquerque for the Balloonfest. I have reservations at an Albuquerque park for the two days before the festival, so we can get the rig ready for nine days of dry camping. You know, holding tanks empty; fuel, water, and propane full.

We did have a bit of a stressful morning. I found what sounded like a nice state park just north of Santa Fe. It only had a few sites with electric, and all were first-come first-served. We got up really early and drove up here, but alas there were no openings and no one was planning on leaving. As we drove back out, I located the dump station and decided it would have been almost impossible to get the Alfa into it anyway.  Also there was absolutely zero cell service. No cell = no internet.  Not something we want to put up with for 9 days, even for a bargain price!

So we drove back down out of the mountain park, about eight winding miles, got to a spot where we could park and make some phone calls, and found this place.

I am more than ready to stay put for a week or so!

1 comment:

  1. I'm okay with a day or two of no cell (internet) but that's about it. Santa Fe is such a great place to explore. Have fun.


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