
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Colorful Sculptures in Santa Fe

Friends who know me, or who have followed this blog for some time, know that when it comes to art I am attracted to large whimsical sculptures.  As an art major in college I fought for the validity of using animal images that make people smile. I remember having a disagreement with a sculpture teacher when I created a large fiberglass and resin frog. The basic armature was  folding lawn chair. The instructor was into abstracts and nudes, and I had to do a different project to fill the course requirements.  It was a good frog! My kids loved to climb on it in the yard for several years! In the long run, my work did take that direction, but it took me some time to get over that class and go my own way.

This week, as I checked into our current RV park, I picked up a flyer for the studio of artist, Fredrick Prescott. I knew we had to go see it! And on Tuesday afternoon we did.

Each of the large critters had a head that moved. You started the motion with a slight touch and the heads rocked back and forth for some time. The artist describes them as movable by the wind, but it would have to be a pretty strong one.

Craig's favorite was this very tall flamingo. Prices were not posted out in the sculpture garden area. We did see a sign on one large dragon that was for $27,000.  

Good thing they are too large to fit onto the dash of the Alfa!

The selection was delightful. They were all made of heavy steel and most were brightly colored. 

Some were the natural
rust tones of weathered steel.

In addition to the outdoor sculpture area, there was a large indoor gallery.  Many of the pieces here were much smaller, and of course less expensive.  

These two both moved nicely and were only $85 each. Still not what we need in the RV, but if we had a house, a work like these could easily find a new home.

The Prescott Studio, Gallery, & Sculpture Garden is located at:
1127 Siler Park Lane, Santa Fe, NM 87507

If you are in Santa Fe, call 505-44-8449 for gallery hours. His work will make you smile!


  1. We were just in Santa Fe three days ago to go to a consignment shop for Navajo rugs, but sure would have liked to see those sculptures. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Like the sculptures & especially the vibrant colors.

    1. We had to decrease the saturation to make the images believable. They were pretty unbelievable in person.

  3. I like the giraffe with the monkey in the tree. :)

  4. We're just a few miles away from there but guess we'll pass this time..... I love "when pigs fly"... the pink pigs! But our critter days are over....

  5. I remember that frog, and now I know how it came to be.


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