
Monday, September 28, 2015

More about Santa Fe

Our time in Santa Fe is almost over. This sculpture that we saw outside of one of her many galleries truly expresses the nature of the city:  Joyous!

This bronze, which we saw at another gallery,  adds: Fun!

And of course we found the taste of New Mexico at the city Farmer's Market: chilis.

One of the many nice locals we met this week suggested that we drive up into the mountains to see the Aspen color.  He said not to go during the weekend because it would be crowded. So we waited until Monday.

The four images I am posting fall so short of the experience of driving through an area of Aspen peak color! 

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

The trees were glowing in the sunshine against the brilliant blue sky.

The magnificent pines lent themselves as contrast to the brilliant yellow of the Aspen.

Even the grasses along the path echoed the color above.

But no image can really convey the full experience. The breeze played with the quaking aspen leaves in a magical way, and the faint scent of pine teased the senses, while a hint of coolness in the wind promised snow to come.  

It was a glorious afternoon, and we are so glad we got to experience this place high above Santa Fe.

When we got back to the Alfa, I finished making a special grilled ratatouille using some of the delicious veggies we bought at the Farmers Market. The key is to char the various ingredients, eggplant, peppers, onions, garlic, and squash, individually on the grill, and then combine them with seasonings before simmering them in a big pot on the stove top for a little while to combine the flavors. Perfection!

I served the ratatouille with a freshly baked baguettwe picked up at a charming French bakery on the way home, along with these tasty Raspberry Tarts for dessert.

RV life is very good!


  1. Santa Fe is a great place to visit. The Aspens are beautiful.

  2. I love the aspens' changing foliage. They're just beautiful.

  3. we loved visiting Santa Fe multiple times while we were on vacation during our working lives...

  4. Gotta love those quaking Aspen trees & just about everything else that has to do with Autumn:))

  5. I think you've captured the Santa Fe spirit... both in your photos and in your soul!

  6. Love the colors of the Aspen trees. Saw a bit of color in PA before we headed south. Santa Fe is a great place to explore.

  7. Love the sculpture at the beginning of your post and love the supper at the end.

  8. So glad you had a good time in the Land of Enchantment. We are full time and travel to other states but NM is home.

  9. Beautiful pictures! I've only driven through New Mexico, but these pics and your testimonial show it lives up to its reputation as a scenic paradise.

    When I look at those yellow leaves, I thing about seasons. We do have seasons here in Myanmar, three of them. The Hot Season, the Monsoon Season and the Cool Season. The Monsoon season is ending, and the wonderful cool season is on the doorstep.

    1. The weather year is sort of naturally divided into 4 seasons by the solstices and equinoxes. How do Myanmar's 3 align with other places 4?

  10. Merikay, I thought you might find this site interesting,
    I have knitted for over 50 years and can't imagain doing this.
    Just the opposite of what you did for so many years


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