
Sunday, June 18, 2017

Last day in Whitehorse, YT

If you are one of my regular followers, you will know how this post got out of order. As you can imagine, the accident shook me up so much that I didn't have this post ready to go up until almost a week later. 

On our last day in Whitehorse, YT we went to the Kwanlin Dun Cultural Center. It is an active gathering place for the First Nation people of the Whitehorse area. 

Craig caught his own reflection and the town behind him in this picture of a large etched glass window.

There was a large tent where native boat builders were working. The above pictures are of a canoe that is being carved out of a single solid piece of wood.

We also watched a good movie about the building of a bark boat. I'm glad these skills are being documented.

Next we went to a talk about the discovery of some old maps and the languages on it. It was interesting, but very non-touristy. For me, it brought back some of the stuff I had learned in an "introduction to linguistics" class I took in college.

Our next stop was at the McBride Museum of Yukon History

It contained the usual collections of 1800's gold rush things.

And some of the biggest trophy heads I have ever seen. We have been told that the moose of Alaska and the Yukon are larger than those in other areas.

Being interested in needle point, I enjoyed looking at this wall hanging created by the various needle point guilds in towns along the Alaska Highway to commemorate the 50th anniversary of its building.

This was my favorite. It is said that Whitehorse got its name from the frothy whitecaps on the river.

We ended our day in Whitehorse by taking care of mundane but necessary personal chores. We were both starting to look as shaggy as Musk Oxen, so we stopped in at a local barber shop for haircuts.

The fun thing is that the next time a hairdresser asks us when was the last time we got cuts, we can say "When we were in the Yukon!"

The Warriors won the game on Monday night, wrapping up the NBA championship. So it is time to get going again.  

(actually West)


  1. It is good to go back to the times before your accident as a reminder of how it will be again. At some point it will be a distant memory. I'm looking forward to reading about the rest of the trip :-)

  2. Nice that you can catch up again. looking forward to more of your travels.

  3. Our blog gets out of order sometime and we haven't gone through what you went through.


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