
Monday, June 19, 2017

Midnight Sun plus Tok to Anchorage for repair appointments

Sunset or sunrise?  This is what the horizon looked like Monday morning at 12:06 AM.  Tuesday is the Summer Solstice. We do not have extra darkening curtains in the Alfa, but have not seemed to be kept awake by the all-night lightness. At first, the effect was to wake us up extra early, but after a few days we have returned to being able to sleep in. What does seem strange, is going to bed when it is still bright daylight. But our bodies seem to demand it.

Tok to Anchorage : 319 miles

We could have driven the entire 319 miles to Anchorage, but felt that the stress of the accident still weighed on us, and the challenge of driving separate vehicles would be more tiring. So before we left Tok, on Thursday, I picked out a park that was a little more than half way. The Slide Mountain Campground was small, but pleasant. 

It was a good decision. Although the Jeep and the Alfa are easy to drive, the road was a bit windy and we were constantly on ready for frost heaves, pot holes and construction zones. But most of the way was very smooth. We kept in touch with our Walkie Talkies and kept trading places.

The scenery was breathtaking
We were intrigued by this triangular mountain
Arriving in Anchorage Friday, we made an appointment with Karen's RV for Monday afternoon for an evaluation of the batteries and the metal tray they sit on. This is the most essential repair. They seem like an excellent shop, and were able to fit us in to do the work on Thursday. Seems they had two cancellations. 

Using a 4 pound sledge hammer purchased at Home Depot, Craig got the towing "horn" out of its connection on the Jeep. We were glad to see that it was the horn that was bent, not the face plate. It looks like everything will work with the new tow bar we are picking up on Tuesday. We found a place that would order it for us, and handle the air freight shipment, but will not install it.  But Craig thinks he can manage it.

On Sunday we went down to the river to see a bunch of people fishing for salmon. There was a festival/ contest.

Nobody seemed to be catching anything, but we did get directions to a couple of places to buy some. 

Probably not quite as fresh as if we had caught it ourselves, but it was still very good, marinated in a bit of soy sauce and brown sugar and cooked on the Weber Q. I even had some left over to make creamed salmon on toast for Monday night. 

My culinary goal is to cook fresh fish at least once a week while we are in Alaska. Yum!


  1. Gosh, that scenery is breathtaking; we're glad you're getting past your unfortunate incident.

  2. So beautiful. The sockeye were runnungvwhen we were there. Best. Fish. Ever!! Glad your repaits,are on track

  3. Will be nice to get your tow bar installed and tow you jeep again.
    Nothing like fresh fish on the menu., enjoy.

  4. wow... the scenery! Glad you took it easy and made an extra stop. Sounds like supper made it all worthwhile. mmmmm, salmon.

  5. Your pictures of the scenery are unbelievable. Hope you can get the tow bar installed and back to towing the jeep. My two favorite things about Rving are: enjoying the journey together and always having my home with me.

    1. We picked up and installed the new tow bar and rock-guard today. I even crawled under the hitch attachment on the coach and checked that nothing was damaged in the accident. Just like a real installer tech!


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