
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

A visit with Judy Bell

We are in a bit of a "holding pattern" while waiting for our Alfa to be repaired. We are lucky to be able to stay at our daughter's beautiful home in San Diego.

On Monday we took a ride up to Jojoba Hills, and while there stopped to say hello to our friend Judy Bell. Many of you will remember her blog "Travels with Emma." Judy became to be known as "the bird lady" because she volunteered at wildlife refuges and because she took wonderful bird pictures.

While we were there, Craig snapped a few pictures of some of the birds visiting the feeder she has out, using our new Sony RX10.

Love the new camera!

Judy had a few health problems this summer, but seems to be doing well. 

Emma is presently living with Judy's brother, who has a large fenced yard and several other dogs. 

We look forward to seeing more of Judy this winter.  


  1. Please let Judy know that so many of us miss her and Emma. Hope her health continues to improve. Becki

  2. Yes let Judy know thinking of her and wish her well!!

  3. Yes! Thank you Merikay for letting us know about Judy and Emma. Been worried about her.

  4. I'm another friend that misses Judy and her blog! Glad you got a chance to spend time with her.

  5. So glad you got to see her! We've been wondering how she's been doing. We miss her blog and photos!

  6. Glad to hear about Judy, nice that she is doing well. Another blogger that misses her postings.

  7. Great photos Craig and Merikay, they're so clear and sharp.

  8. Tell Judy how much we miss her and hope her heath issues are all behind her. Thank you for the update on her.

  9. Thanks for the update on one of our all time favorite virtual friends :-)

    If you see Judy again tell her we said Hi!!

  10. I always enjoyed her blog, glad to hear she is doing ok.


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