
Saturday, October 7, 2017

Made our first 2018 Camping Reservation Today

Craig was not happy spending the entire winter at Jojoba Hills last year. Of course we broke it up by going to San Diego for the holidays and for several weekends over the months, but he really seemed to get a bit of "hitch itch."

So today when I saw a mention of the February Winter Blast Pyrotechnic Festival  in Lake Havasu City, AZ on the Alfa Owners Facebook page, I went ahead and made our  reservation  to camp at the Lake Havasu City Rodeo Grounds right away. 

Image from the Web
We both enjoy fireworks. Lake Havasu City is less than 300 miles, a one day drive, from Jojoba, and although it will be all dry camping, the cost of $150 for the week can't be beat.

Are you thinking about what you want to do next year yet? 
Have you made any reservations?  


  1. We have no clue. I wish we did, but we don't. The fireworks sound like fun and will be a good break from Jojoba Hills.

  2. Good for you, and why not? Everyone loves fireworks! Because we had such a hard time getting reservations this past summer, we have turned over a new leaf and are actually doing some long rage planning, including reservations! We will be in Quartzsite in January. (Not terribly excited about that; I guess it's a rite of passage thing.) We will be in Yuma after that, and we're taking a Hawaiian cruise in mid-June. We were wondering about Jojoba hills as a place to spend part of the winter but, based on your post, that may not be such a great idea. Is it hard to get in there for a stay of a couple of months?

    1. I ope I didn't sound negative about Jojoba, it just wasn't as warm as I expected it to be. First, you cannot stay at Jojoba for a couple of months.... The limit is 28 ays per year for visitors. In the winter months, open spots are far and few between since most members are there then and many leave a fifth wheel on their space when they are not. Also, no reservations are taken. But if you do come this way some time, and are an Escapee, you can call a few days ahead and check availability. I have always liked to have reservations made for a few days or weeks ahead. Saves me stress!

  3. We had thought about the fireworks, but don't much like the crowds that will be there. We very seldom make reservations, because we don't much know where we will be.
    I am sure you will, have fun wherever you go.

  4. Due to RV related problems we'll be fairly stationary this winter in the Quartzsite area. No Reservations Necessary!
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  5. Fireworks sound like an awesome winter break!

  6. We're booked through February in Yuma. The place we usually stay in the Phoenix area isn't taking monthly reservations until Nov. 1st, so I'll be calling them for March. If we don't get in, I'll be looking for a few place in March. Then it's back to Wisconsin for our final summer of working at the park.

  7. That show is supposed to be fantastic.

  8. Volunteering this winter and next summer then traveling from 2/2019 through 10/2019. Working on the travel itinerary because I know I need to make February reservations in state parks early.


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