
Monday, June 10, 2019

Not really better, but ...

Briefly : I will live.

My doctor (actually a physician's assistant) said I do not have pneumonia. This is good.

I do have bronchitis, which in my thinking is just a very bad cold.

The "doctor" prescribed several meds and said I should be better in a few weeks at the most. I did a breathing treatment in the office, and will be using an inhaler for awhile.

I now am the owner of a Nedipot.  

I hope I get the hang of using it.

Enough about being sick!   

I will be resting for 2 days before we get on with our travels. 

Craig has succeeded in installing our new Xantrex charger/inverter.

Stay tuned to this channel!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are feeling better and don't have Pneumonia though even Bronchitis can be a pain.
    With all of Craig's skills it was a given that he could change out the Charger/Inverter.
    Just catching up.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.


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