
Sunday, June 9, 2019

Colorado National Monument

Today we went for a 23 mile drive through the Colorado National Monument near Grand Junction.

The scenery was fantastic. Unfortunately I am getting quite sick. I started with a cold several days ago, and inspite of taking cold medications and spending the entire day in bed yesterday, I am getting worse, not better.

I plan on going to an Urgent Care first thing tomorrow. I don't think it is the flu, since we had our flu shots last fall. It might be pneumonialike I had a few years ago, but I haven't had some of the usual symptoms. No chills for example.

Craig and I took lots of pictures. He will provide the words below.   The images are in order on the road from Fruita to Grand Junction. 

Lots of bicylists on the main road.  Catching this one in this image was accidental.

Independence Rock is the CNM's best-known feature. The founder of the NM climbed it on July 4 after Pres. Taft declared the place an NM.  

Each July 4 a bunch of people climb it, plant a flag and (presumably) have a party. Limiting one's alcohol consumption when one had to climb down this 450 foot rock would be easier than at most parties. Perhaps no one brings any alcohol.

These formations look like things we've seen in Utah

Early settlers called these bulging cones "the coke ovens"

The arched shallow caves make this my favorite image of the day

The Visitor Center movie said each valley was carved by a tributary of the Colorado.
That looks questionable from here!

But the movie is right about this one.

Closer to Grand Junction, there were lots of other photogenic scenes, but not many turnouts at which to stop and take pictures.


  1. Why wait? Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Hope they can give you something at urgent care. Cant enjoy the beautiful scenery when you feel so lousy.

  3. I have enjoyed that drive several times over the years. Always ready to go again. Take care of yourself.

  4. Good luck with getting better soon. Awesome pictures.

  5. Hope you are feeling well soon. Having had the Flu Shots does not protect you from new strains. (I think I have one.)
    Beautiful Pictures and according to most Geologists most of North America was under water millions of years ago so it is possible the Colorado did carve many of the rock formations.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your next adventure.

    It's about time.

  6. The bikers might have been participating in the Trans America Bike Race which is happening now.


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