
Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Sailing in Thunder Bay on Lake Superior

This is my second post from Thunder Bay, Ontario. Check out my post about Fort William if you missed it.

Collect experiences, not stuff!

Shopping is not my "thing." Although I always look through the park gift shops, I almost never buy souvenirs. I might purchase an occasional book, pair of socks, or t-shirt, but not much else.

On the other hand, we are always ready to try a walking tour, train ride or boat trip.

This time it was a short sail in the harbor at Thunder Bay. Superior Sails offers a variety of "tours" ranging from the 90 minute harbor cruise, to all day excursions around the islands and even a high-speed ride in a Zodiac

We went on the 40' sailboat named FRODO. I think it would comfortably carry four or at the most six people for an all day sail. We were told the boat's owner had sailed it across the Atlantic with his wife.

For our 90 minute sail, it carried 12, including the captain. Except for the three people on the front deck, who had to move from side to side when the sail was shifted, we all had seats but were unable to move around to take pictures. It looks crowded, but it didn't feel uncomfortable. Only one other lady and I took up the offer of wearing a lifejacket. Apparently they are not required in Canada like they are in the USA. Lifejackets for all were aboard, but stowed in a cabinet below deck. 

We motored from the dock and the sails went up.

The weather was just about perfect, warm with a medium wind. 

We sailed past the old harbor light house. It is automated now, but in earlier times the keeper lived out there.

In the picture above, you can see the difference in the wave action beyond the breakwater. They were only two foot swells. but we did feel the difference. 

There was a large freighter anchored and waiting for its turn at the docks.

We could tell it was empty by how high it was riding. Our captain refered to it as a "Salty" meaning it was an ocean-going ship as opposed to one that stayed in the Great Lakes.

We sailed right up to it.

We were told that there were very few crew onboard, and that pink boat suspended off the stern is the escape boat. Totally enclosed, it has enough supplies to last for a couple of weeks at sea.

These people looked like they were having a very nice day sailing.

All in all it was a nice experience. Another "Agate" in my memory box.


  1. That would have been another fun day your enjoyed, thanks for the pictures.

  2. Nice to be able to go for a Sail like that. Down in the lower Great Lakes Area the Coast Guard enforces the need to wear a Life Jacket. Great Pictures.
    Be safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. Haha, i need that t-shirt!!!
    You guys have more fun!! DO more things. Living life to the fullest!!! Love following your blog and all the beautiful pictures...


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