
Saturday, August 10, 2019


I try to find something "fun" wherever we go.

Well, I try... I'm not sure this little Voyageur is quite happy with this load, although they each were responsible for quite a bit of cargo in their canoes!

Merikay rides a canoe with a stiff Voyageur in a Nipigon Park

Nipigon is sometimes called the high spot on the Lake Superior Circle Tour, but we did not find it to be all that exciting. It is just a small lake town struggling from decades long downturns in fishing, logging and iron ore mining. It did have a small gold rush but, like in many other places it petered out without leaving great prosperity behind. 

 River from park trail
However, Nipigon was a peaceful place. It did have a nice little harbor park which we visited.

As we were walking along the river, we saw a half dozen preteen boys bicycle up the trail to a river bridge and floating dock and just jump in for a swim. Delightfully unsupervised on a nice summer day! I bet they didn't have to be home until dinner.

The sign said "Danger"and No "Trespassing", 
but it didn't say 
"No Swimming".

The Visitor Center lady recommended the Observation tower overlooking the large bridge over the Nipigon River.

Lake Nipigon is about an hour north of where we were staying. A drive up to the town of Beardmore to see it, had also been suggested, so on our second day we packed a lunch and took the Jeep for a run.

The day was sunny with a cool but brisk breeze.

This enormous fishing snowman greets drivers coming north on Hwy 11. Next to him is a big sign that says "Beardmore, Gateway to Lake Nipigon".

Makes you smile, Eh!


  1. Lots of beautiful country to see up there. Thanks for sharing with us.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the adventure.

    It's about time.

  2. Loved touring that country many years ago thanks for the memories.

  3. In the wInter the snowman holds skiis!


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