
Sunday, August 11, 2019

Wawa, a very short post.

What can you say about a 28 foot tall goose? 

It graces the lawn of the Wawa Ontario Visitor Center. There are two other large geese in town as well.  One sits atop a motel roof and the other is at the general store.  

I also loved the Gitchee Gumees seen around town. These three are at the Visitors Center. Gitchee Gumee is the spirit of Lake Superior.

Other than visiting a couple of waterfalls, we did not find much to see or do in Wawa. The weather has been wonderfully cool, and after all that is why we came up this way. Its nice to be able to just kick back and relax. 

Craig downloaded Longfellow's Song of Hiawatha and over several nights read it aloud.  "By the shores of Gitchee Gumee, By the shining Big-Sea-Water ..."

I had never heard or read the entire thing. Have you?


  1. It is beautiful country up there but we have yet to explore it nor have we heard about the Song of Hiawatha. We'll have to Google it.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. We sure have. Lost count of how many times we've been that way. When I first met my partner, he asked me to tell him "something". I said, I've always wanted to go to Wawa, LOL. He's a font of information about all those songs and stories is my Laddie.

  3. More wonderful scenery of that area thanks for reminding me of those memories especially the BIG goose.


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